Other names: Padoek, Padauk, Camwood, Osun, Barwood, Kisese, Palo rojo, Mbel, N'gula, Mukula
Mongola, Tacula
Botanical name: Pterocarpus soyauxii
Density: Green 890 - 1,000 kg/m3
Seasoned 770 kg/m3 (Average at 12% MC)
Durability: Very durable
Grain: Straight / Slightly Interlocked
Texture: Coarse
Heartwood: Vivid red varying through shades of red to brown. Toning down on exposure
Sapwood: Whitsih clearly distinguishable
Sawing: Power required (Slight blunting effect)
Drying: Slow
Risk of distortion: Slight
Risk of checking: Slight
Machining: Difficulties due to irregular grain
Wood bending: No information
Gluing: Special precuation needed
Nailing: Holding properties - Good
Finishing: Good
End uses: Interior & exterior Joinery, Flooring, Boat building & fitting, High class furniture, Turnery, Carving, Vehicle fraiming
Ubangi Timber has FSC® chain of custody certification
•FSC®(Forest Stewardship Council®)
When possible we procure timber under the above scheme of certification and verification.